Airports Near St. Helena

St. Helena is less than two hours from all 3 of Northern California’s Major International Airports: San Francisco International (SFO), Oakland International (OAK), and Sacramento International (SMF), and only 45 minutes from a major regional airport—Santa Rosa (STS).

Websites for all four regional airports are listed below and have complete information regarding ground transportation, rental cars, and much more.

If you don’t want to rent a car at the airport, you can get ground transportation from San Francisco or Oakland to Napa, and either rent a car in Napa, or take the VINE up to St. Helena.

Airport Shuttles: SFO/OAK:
Evans Airport Service (reservations required), (707) 255-1559

Directions from San Francisco International [SFO]
Complete transportation information is available at

Directions from Oakland International [OAK]
Complete transportation information is available at

Directions from Sacramento International [SMF]
Complete transportation information is available at

Directions from Santa Rosa Airport [STS]
Complete transportation information is available at
More information about the airport is available at